Medical Device contract manufacturing with highly strict and controlled process, in order to guarantee the maximum effectiveness and safety of the product. Specific types of medical devices that are very useful for the treatment of particular symptoms and disorders and designed to respond effectively and innovatively to health problems.


REMOV ACID – Liquid Stickpack

Medical Device suitable in treating gastric reflux in order to reduce symptoms as: esophagitis, acid reflux, heartburn and gastric pyrosis.

It provides a strong protective action against gastroesophageal diseases (GERD – Gastro Esophageal
Reflux Disease and gastric esophagitis)

Medical Device - Remov Acid
20 stick pack of 15 ml

Medical Device - NeoVita-Gola
Tablets – Spray – Syrup

NEO VITA GOLA LINE – Throat wellbeing

Medical Device products class IIa for the treatment of throat irritations.
To soothe and reduce redness, burning and irritations. Based on Aloe, Calendula and Iceland Moss

CANKER SORE – Oral Spray

CANKER SORE Relief Oral Spray is a medical device class IIA, especially designed for children, start from 6
months of age, and adult, for the treatment of aphte, canker sores, stomatitis.

Exert an effective barrier effect, enabling a rapid reduction of the local
and promoting healing of canker sores.

Medical Device - Canker Sore
20 ml – Oral Spray

Medical Device - Teething Gums
15 ml Tube

TEETHING & GUMS – Soothing Gel

Medical device of Class IIA in gel form, useful to treat the symptoms of dentition in babies, from 6 months age, contribute to decrease the pain sensation and the reddening of the gums.